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Bluegrass Axolotls

API MAster Test Kit

API MAster Test Kit

Regular price $45.00 USD
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Introducing the API Master Test Kit – your comprehensive solution for accurate and convenient aquarium water testing. Designed for both novice and experienced aquarists, this kit equips you with the tools to maintain a healthy and thriving aquatic environment.

The API Master Test Kit includes a range of essential tests to assess the key parameters of your aquarium water. With these tests, you can easily monitor and adjust crucial factors to ensure the optimal conditions for your fish, plants, and invertebrates.

Here's what you'll find in the API Master Test Kit:

  1. Ammonia Test: Ammonia is toxic to fish, and its levels should be carefully monitored. This test provides quick and precise measurements, enabling you to take corrective action if necessary.

  2. Nitrite Test: Nitrite is another harmful substance that can accumulate in aquariums. This test allows you to detect any unsafe levels and take appropriate steps to prevent harm to your aquatic inhabitants.

  3. Nitrate Test: Elevated nitrate levels can lead to algae growth and poor water quality. Regular testing with this kit will help you identify when to perform water changes or use specific treatments to maintain optimal nitrate levels.

  4. pH Test: The pH level of your aquarium water plays a vital role in the overall health of your aquatic ecosystem. This test enables you to monitor pH fluctuations and adjust accordingly to ensure a stable environment.

  5. High Range pH Test: For aquariums with a higher pH, this test offers accurate readings in the extended range, allowing you to maintain ideal conditions for your particular species.

  6. Carbonate Hardness (KH) Test: KH measures the buffering capacity of water, which helps stabilize the pH level. This test helps you understand the carbonate hardness of your water, ensuring a consistent and suitable environment for your aquatic life.

  7. General Hardness (GH) Test: The GH test determines the overall mineral content of your water. It is essential for species-specific requirements, as some fish and plants have specific preferences for water hardness.

  8. Phosphate Test: Phosphates can contribute to excessive algae growth. By monitoring phosphate levels with this test, you can prevent or correct any imbalances, promoting a healthy and visually appealing aquarium.

The API Master Test Kit also includes a detailed instruction booklet, making it easy for aquarists of all experience levels to perform accurate tests and interpret the results. Additionally, the durable and compact packaging ensures long-lasting use and convenient storage.

With the API Master Test Kit, you can confidently maintain optimal water conditions for your aquarium inhabitants. Regular testing and appropriate adjustments will result in a vibrant and thriving aquatic ecosystem, providing you with hours of enjoyment and the satisfaction of providing your aquatic friends with a healthy home.

Care Instructions

Axolotl care

A common 10-gallon aquarium can accommodate a young axolotl, but due to the large amount of waste produced by these messy creatures, a 20-gallon aquarium is a safer choice. Axolotls do not emerge from the water, so a land area would go unused. Fill the aquarium to the depth of your choice, but it will be easier to maintain good water parameters when the aquarium is filled, as you would for aquarium fish.


A filter will help maintain safe water parameters. The best choice is an external canister filter, such as the Zoo Med Turtle Clean Canister Filter, but ensure the water outlet to the aquarium is fitted with a spray bar or other flow-spreading outlet. This is necessary because axolotls do not tolerate distinct water flow like fish. Axolotls that live in a noticeable water flow for a few months will go off food and develop stress-related diseases. Lack of appetite and forward-curled gills are usually a sign of stress from too much water flow. We recommend using a sponge filter with an air pump if possible.


Axolotls do not require lighting, and indeed, new axolotls may be shy if kept under bright lighting, though they will become accustomed to it if provided with some hiding places (the usual aquarium “furniture” such as caves, wood, plants, etc.). Lighting is generally for our viewing pleasure and for the benefit of aquarium plants and salamander habitat supplies. Choose a plant-friendly bulb, such as those sold for freshwater aquarium fish. Keep in mind that lighting fixtures often generate a lot of excess heat and this can be detrimental to axolotls.


Temperatures up to the low 70s Fahrenheit are tolerated well by axolotls. An ideal temperature range is the low to mid 60s. Temperatures above 74 degrees will invariably lead to heat stress, loss of appetite and death. If you cannot provide year-round temperatures below this limit, axolotls are not the ideal pet for your circumstances. If you must have an axolotl but you have temperature problems, consider buying an aquarium chiller for the warmer parts of the year.


Axolotl substrate

The ideal substrate for axolotls is aquarium-safe. Small pebbles may be ingested and cause impaction of your pet. Sand is ideal because axolotls love to dig and its great exercise. Large rocks are great for your axolotl because they need something to grip onto, They also need a hiding place so a blind or even decorations would provide a wonderful hiding place. Pieces like smooth driftwood is perfect for your axolotl to hide behind also makes a great addition if you want to add live plants. There are a few plants that grow right on the driftwood like java fern and anubuias nana. These plants prefer to grow attached to objects with their roots exposed. Live plants also help keep the bio-load lower as these pets can produce a lot of waste that is turned into nutrients with the help of the beneficial bacteria in your tank. Plants are also soft and flexible so your pet can swim between them without getting snagged or otherwise injured. Fake plants are not ideal but are an option. They tend to have sharper edges and can hurt the delicate skin of your axolotl.



Axolotls are CARNIVORES!!!!! They enjoy a variety of worms such as night crawlers, black-worms, blood-worms, daphnia, brine shrimp and pellets. They also can eat  ghost shrimp and small guppy fish.

 Filtration system

Axolotls are known for producing large amounts of waste and pretty quickly. Because of this it is important to have a good filtration system.

Because they need a low flow compared to regular fish tanks, we recommend a sponge filter. Sponge filters also create aeration and help with oxygen levels.

Water Change

You will need a water test kit to test the parameters of your water to make sure the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate level are with in range. Recommend the API master Test Kit as you get more tests for the money but you can also use the 5 in 1 test strips as well.
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